Julep Maven April Box Review

Yay I got my Julep Maven box in the mail on Friday!  I love getting packages in the mail, even if I know they’re coming… it’s always a surprise when they finally do :)  Super good motivation to get my studying done for my wine science final so I could do my nails too.

I love seeing this little black box on my doorstep :)

Super super cute! The April box had an Easter theme to it with chocolate eggs hidden in the crinkly green confetti. It's such a little thing but it put a huge smile on my face :) The bright pink paper and green grosgrain ribbon looked so cute hiding in the "grass".

The contents! I changed my style to the "Classic with a Twist" box this month because of the gorgeous mint green polish. Included was The Best Pedi Cream Ever - 60mL ($22), Mandy - 8mL ($14), Susie - 8mL ($14), some toe spacers, and a makeup bag ($18, not shown).

Close up of The Best Pedi Cream Ever, Mandy, a "fresh, bright, deep coral-pink", and Susie "a delicious mint creme".

I painted my nails with Susie during my study break. I looove this colour!! It reminds me of Essie's Mint Candy Apple, which I really wanted but never got around to buying.

As a bonus Julep added on a makeup bag for this month, but they forgot to put it in the box... So I got this as a separate package :p The huge waste of cardboard made me sad but the bag is super cute! It's got the Julep logo quilted on and the inside has 3 elasticized pockets perfectly sized to hold Julep polishes.

The side charm on the bag is super cute too :)

I was super happy with this month’s box.  I love the colours of the polishes, the bag is super cute, and I needed a foot cream so this is perfect.  I tried the cream and it’s a great moisturizer although I can’t vouch for the exfoliating properties yet, although it should since it’s formulated with glycolic acid.

I noticed when I was painting my nails that they changed their brushes since last month – they’re wide brushes now like OPI’s prowide brush, not the skinny brushes they used to have, which is awesome!  So much faster to paint your nails with haha.

If you haven’t already you should grab the 1 penny Julep Maven’s intro box! They extended the promo so you can get your first box for a penny with free shipping and you can cancel at any time so there’s really nothing to lose.  Just go to www.julep.com, take the style quiz, and enter “PENNY” at the checkout :)

Ok, back to studying accounting (wah).  I think I’ll do my toes with Mandy as a study break later :)